Thursday, August 24, 2023

MOG at Boat Show 

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Southport Wooden Boat Show

North Carolina

We are happy to respond to the SWBS invitation to display our 40 foot Totally Electric Powered Solar (TEPStm) boat at their in water portion of the boat show. Our spring and summer have been spent responding to long scheduled medical surgeries that are now beginning to allow us to regain a long awaited correction of hearing, sight and mobility issues for Hill and me.

The event will provide the first time in nearly two years that we have a clear opportunity board the ALGEMAC II for a trip on the Cape Fear river to Southport, NC for the show and some well earned time living the boat life toward which we have so looked forward. 

The motors will be 3 Torqeedo electric outboards, new batteries last year and the previous 11 photovoltaic modules of 235 watts each, 2,585 watts total..  The new 32 light weight flexible modules of 160 watts each will be on order for next year for our long delayed Great Loop 6,000 mile adventure. The new array would punch out over 5,000 watts, enough to drive the boat without any drain of batteries on a sunny day.

We hope that the weather for the show will be perfect for attendees, vendors and boat owners to enjoy. See you there.

Waterfront of Southport at restaurant Fishy-Fishy

View of private and public docks